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# Anubis Theme for Hugo
Anubis is a simple minimalist theme for [Hugo blog engine](https://gohugo.io/).

## Features
- Pagination
- Tags/Categories support
- Archive
- Mobile support
- Google Analytics
- Disqus
- RSS feeds
- Translations (en, ru, fr, pl)
- Multilingual mode
- Robots.txt
- Favorite posts
- Pagination on post single page
## Installation
Inside the folder of your Hugo site run:
$ git submodule add https://github.com/mitrichius/hugo-theme-anubis.git themes/anubis
For more information read the official [setup guide](//gohugo.io/overview/installing/) of Hugo.
## Getting started
After installing the theme successfully it requires a just a few more steps to get your site running.
### Update config file
If you have toml config (which is by default), you should rename it to config.yaml or adapt this config for toml syntax.
Example of config.yaml:
languageCode: "en-us"
baseUrl: ""
title: "Anubis"
theme: "anubis"
paginate: 10
disqusShortname: yourdiscussshortname
googleAnalytics: UA-123-45
enableRobotsTXT: true
- identifier: archive
name: Archive
title: Archive
url: /posts/
weight: 0
author: ""
description: ""
- images/og-featured.png # relative path to "static" directory
- css/my.css # relative path to "static" directory
dateFormat: "2006-01-02"
paginationSinglePost: true
### Check your site
In order to see your site in action, run Hugo's built-in local server.
`$ hugo server`
Now enter [`localhost:1313`](http://localhost:1313/) in the address bar of your browser.
## Feature Settings
### Google Analytics
Only works for production environment. You either build your site with variable like
`HUGO_ENV=production hugo --minify`
or just put `env: production` to `params` section of config.
### Multilingual mode
Check config/example usage in [exampleSiteMultilingual](https://github.com/Mitrichius/hugo-theme-anubis/tree/master/exampleSiteMultilingual) directory and documentation on [Hugo site](https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/).
### Robots.txt
Based on environment.
For production — allow all, for other — disallow all.
### Favorite posts
To mark posts as favorite just add `favorite: true` in post's front matter. It adds a "★" icon nearby post's title.
### Pagination on post single page
Enabled by `paginationSinglePost` param in `params` section of config.
## Contributing
If you find a bug or have an idea for a feature, feel free to write an [issue](https://github.com/mitrichius/hugo-theme-anubis/issues).
See [issues](https://github.com/mitrichius/hugo-theme-anubis/issues).
## License
(c) Dmitry Kolosov