"""ProxmoxVE provider, Ansible powered with Python""" import pulumi import pulumi_proxmoxve as proxmox import pulumi_command as command # Basic PVE configuration pve_url = "https://pve.vavassori.lcl:8006" pve_username = "root@pam" pve_nodename = "pve" pve_storage = "local-lvm" # Basic VM configuration vm_name = "virtual-machine" vm_clone = 802 vm_sockets = 1 vm_cores = 1 vm_ram = 2048 vm_disksize = 20 vm_username = "syntaxerrormmm" vm_sshkeys = [ "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFioHkaV1NhX6NCqsJakJw8EVBOcDHm1MEbpY499CPtG syntaxerrormmm@fisso", "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILu91hBh8pNRt4eE1pug0Y4jCHZDCcMJ+vj3CiF5EQHV syntaxerrormmm@syntaxxps", "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIP/hn/0xn6DRS2B0paFzDQRakupgTQQ5hitQhqOfWcqz syntaxerrormmm@microbo" ] # Ansible configuration ansible_playbook = "deploy.yml" # Start of the program config = pulumi.Config() provider = proxmox.Provider("proxmoxve", virtual_environment = { "endpoint": pve_url, "insecure": True, "username": pve_username, "password": config.require_secret("password") } ) vm = proxmox.vm.VirtualMachine("vm", name = vm_name, node_name = pve_nodename, agent = proxmox.vm.VirtualMachineAgentArgs( enabled = True, trim = True, type = "virtio" ), bios = "seabios", cpu = proxmox.vm.VirtualMachineCpuArgs( cores = vm_cores, sockets = vm_sockets ), memory = proxmox.vm.VirtualMachineMemoryArgs( dedicated = mv_ram ), clone = proxmox.vm.VirtualMachineCloneArgs( node_name = pve_nodename, vm_id = vm_clone, full = True ), disks = [ proxmox.vm.VirtualMachineDiskArgs( interface = "virtio0", datastore_id = pve_storage, size = vm_disksize, file_format = "raw" ) ], network_devices = [ proxmox.vm.VirtualMachineNetworkDeviceArgs( bridge = "vmbr0", model = "virtio" ) ], on_boot = True, operating_system = proxmox.vm.VirtualMachineOperatingSystemArgs( type = "l26" ), initialization = proxmox.vm.VirtualMachineInitializationArgs( type = "nocloud", datastore_id = pve_storage, user_account = proxmox.vm.VirtualMachineInitializationUserAccountArgs( username = vm_username, password = "cicciopasticcio", keys = vm_sshkeys ) ), opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions( provider = provider ) ) # Getting local IP # First item of the ipv4_addresses is of the loopback interface (so the usual Let's get the second and grab only the text. lanip = vm.ipv4_addresses[1][0] # Creating the inventory file. with open('inventory', 'w') as f: f.write(f"{vm_name} ansible_host={lanip} ansible_user={vm_username}") # Try the deployment with ansible # Applying the command execute_ansible = command.local.Command("ansible", create = f"ansible-playbook {ansible_playbook}" ) # Outputs pulumi.export("ip", lanip)