--- name: ${PROJECT} description: ${DESCRIPTION} runtime: python template: description: A Pulumi deployment with libvirt and Python config: libvirt:uri: type: String default: "qemu:///system" description: "QEMU service path" hostname: type: String default: ${PROJECT} description: Hostname image: type: String default: bookworm description: Image name (see additional_configs.py) vcpu: type: Integer default: 1 description: Number of vCPU of the VM ram: type: Integer default: 2048 description: MBs of RAM of the VM disksize: type: Integer default: 20 description: GBs of disk space of the VM poolpath: type: String default: /var/tmp/libvirt/pulumi description: Path to the new pool username: type: String default: syntaxerrormmm description: Username to create in the cloud-init phase password: type: String default: cicciopasticcio description: Password of the username in the cloud-init phase playbooks: type: String default: 'deploy.yml' description: "Ansible Playbooks to implement, separate by commas."