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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import urllib.request
import loaih
from lxml import etree
import tempfile, os, sys, glob, subprocess, shutil, re, shlex
class Collection(list):
def __init__(self, query, arch = ['x86', 'x86_64']):
"""Build a list of version to check/build for this round."""
self.extend([ Build(query, arch, version) for version in loaih.Base.collectedbuilds(query) ])
class Build(loaih.RemoteBuild):
LANGSTD = [ 'ar', 'de', 'en-GB', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'pt', 'pt-BR', 'ru', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW' ]
LANGBASIC = [ 'en-GB' ]
ARCHSTD = [ u'x86', u'x86_64' ]
def __init__(self, query, arch, version = None):
super().__init__(query, version)
self.arch = arch
self.short_version = str.join('.', self.version.split('.')[0:2])
self.branch_version = None
if not '.' in self.query:
self.branch_version = self.query
self.url = self.basedirurl
# Other default values
self.language = 'basic'
self.offline_help = False
self.portable = False
self.updatable = True
self.sign = True
self.remoterepo = False
self.remote_host = ''
self.remote_path = ''
self.storage_path = '/mnt/appimage'
self.download_path = '/var/tmp/downloads'
# Specific build version
self.appversion = ''
self.appimagefilename = {}
self.zsyncfilename = {}
# Creating a tempfile
self.builddir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
self.tarballs = {}
self.built = { u'x86': False, u'x86_64': False }
# Preparing the default for the relative path on the storage for
# different versions.
# The path will evaluated as part of the check() function, as it is
# understood the storage_path can be changed before that phase.
self.relative_path = []
self.full_path = ''
self.baseurl = ''
def calculate(self):
"""Calculate exclusions and other variables."""
# AppName
self.appname = 'LibreOffice' if not self.query == 'daily' and not self.query == 'prerelease' else 'LibreOfficeDev'
# Calculating languagepart
self.languagepart = "."
if ',' in self.language:
self.languagepart += self.language.replace(',', '-')
self.languagepart += self.language
# Calculating help part
self.helppart = '.help' if self.offline_help else ''
# Building the required names
for arch in Build.ARCHSTD:
self.appimagefilename[arch] = self.__gen_appimagefilename__(self.version, arch)
self.zsyncfilename[arch] = self.appimagefilename[arch] + '.zsync'
# Mandate to the private function to calculate the full_path available
# for the storage and the checks.
def __gen_appimagefilename__(self, version, arch):
"""Generalize the construction of the name of the app."""
self.appversion = version + self.languagepart + self.helppart
return self.appname + f'-{self.appversion}-{arch}.AppImage'
def __calculate_full_path__(self):
"""Calculate relative path of the build, based on internal other variables."""
if len(self.relative_path) == 0:
if self.query == 'daily':
elif self.query == 'prerelease':
# Not the same check, an additional one
if self.portable:
fullpath_arr = self.storage_path.split('/')
# Joining relative path only if it is not null
if len(self.relative_path) > 0:
self.full_path = re.sub(r"/+", '/', str.join('/', fullpath_arr))
def check(self):
"""Checking if the requested AppImage has been already built."""
if len(self.appimagefilename) != 2:
for arch in self.arch:
# First, check if by metadata the repo is remote or not.
if self.remoterepo or 'http' in self.storage_path:
self.remoterepo = True
# Remote storage. I have to query a remote site to know if it
# was already built.
name = self.appimagefilename[arch]
if len(self.relative_path) > 0:
path_arr = self.relative_path.insert(0, self.storage_path)
path_arr = [ self.storage_path, '' ]
2023-01-05 01:30:06 +01:00
path = str.join('/', path_arr)
print(f"DEBUG - Name: {name}, URL: {path}")
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matching = etree.HTML(urllib.request.urlopen(path).read()).xpath(
2023-01-05 01:36:53 +01:00
f"//a[contains(@href, '{name}')]/@href"
if len(matching) > 0:
# Already built.
self.built[arch] = True
# Repo is local
print(f"Searching for {self.appimagefilename[arch]}")
res = subprocess.run(shlex.split(f"find {self.full_path} -name {self.appimagefilename[arch]}"), capture_output=True, env={ "LC_ALL": "C" }, text=True, encoding='utf-8')
if "No such file or directory" in res.stderr:
# Folder is not existent: so the version was not built
# Build stays false, and we go to the next arch
if res.stdout and len(res.stdout.strip("\n")) > 0:
# All good, the command was executed fine.
print(f"Build for {self.version} found.")
self.built[arch] = True
if self.built[arch]:
print(f"The requested AppImage already exists on storage for {arch}. I'll skip downloading, building and moving the results.")
def download(self):
"""Downloads the contents of the URL as it was a folder."""
print(f"Started downloads for {self.version}. Please wait.")
for arch in self.arch:
# Checking if a valid path has been provided
if self.url[arch] == '-':
print(f"No build has been provided for the requested AppImage for {arch}. Continue with other options.")
# Faking already built it so to skip other checks.
self.built[arch] = True
if self.built[arch]:
print(f"A build for {arch} was already found. Skipping specific packages.")
# Identifying downloads
contents = etree.HTML(urllib.request.urlopen(self.url[arch]).read()).xpath("//td/a")
self.tarballs[arch] = [ x.text for x in contents if x.text.endswith('tar.gz') and 'deb' in x.text ]
tarballs = self.tarballs[arch]
maintarball = tarballs[0]
# Create and change directory to the download location
os.makedirs(self.download_path, exist_ok = True)
for archive in tarballs:
# If the archive is already there, do not do anything.
if os.path.exists(archive):
# Download the archive
urllib.request.urlretrieve(self.url[arch] + archive, archive)
print(f"Failed to download {archive}.")
print(f"Finished downloads for {self.version}.")
def build(self):
"""Building all the versions."""
for arch in self.arch:
if self.built[arch]:
# Already built for arch or path not available. User has already been warned.
# Preparation tasks
self.appnamedir = os.path.join(self.builddir, self.appname)
os.makedirs(self.appnamedir, exist_ok=True)
# And then cd to the appname folder.
# Download appimagetool from github
appimagetoolurl = f"https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/releases/download/continuous/appimagetool-{arch}.AppImage"
urllib.request.urlretrieve(appimagetoolurl, 'appimagetool')
os.chmod('appimagetool', 0o755)
# Build the requested version.
def __unpackbuild__(self, arch):
# We start by filtering out tarballs from the list
buildtarballs = [ self.tarballs[arch][0] ]
# Let's process standard languages and append results to the
# buildtarball
if self.language == 'basic':
if self.offline_help:
buildtarballs.extend([ x for x in self.tarballs[arch] if 'pack_en-GB' in x ])
buildtarballs.extend([ x for x in self.tarballs[arch] if 'langpack_en-GB' in x])
elif self.language == 'standard':
for lang in Build.LANGSTD:
if self.offline_help:
buildtarballs.extend([ x for x in self.tarballs[arch] if ('pack_' + lang) in x ])
buildtarballs.extend([ x for x in self.tarballs[arch] if ('langpack_' + lang) in x ])
elif self.language == 'full':
if self.offline_help:
# We need also all help. Let's replace buildtarball with the
# whole bunch
buildtarballs = self.tarballs[arch]
buildtarballs.extend([ x for x in self.tarballs[arch] if 'langpack' in x ])
# Looping for each language in self.language
for lang in self.language.split(","):
if self.offline_help:
buildtarballs.extend([ x for x in self.tarballs[arch] if ('pack' + lang) in x ])
buildtarballs.extend([ x for x in self.tarballs[arch] if ('langpack' + lang) in x ])
# Unpacking the tarballs
for archive in buildtarballs:
subprocess.run(shlex.split(f"tar xzf {self.download_path}/{archive}"))
# create appimagedir
self.appimagedir = os.path.join(self.builddir, self.appname, self.appname + '.AppDir')
os.makedirs(self.appimagedir, exist_ok = True)
# At this point, let's decompress the deb packages
subprocess.run(shlex.split("find .. -iname '*.deb' -exec dpkg -x {} . \;"), cwd=self.appimagedir)
if self.portable:
subprocess.run(shlex.split("find . -type f -iname 'bootstraprc' -exec sed -i 's|^UserInstallation=.*|UserInstallation=\$SYSUSERCONFIG/libreoffice/%s|g' {} \+" % self.short_version), cwd=self.appimagedir)
# Changing desktop file
subprocess.run(shlex.split("find . -iname startcenter.desktop -exec cp {} . \;"), cwd=self.appimagedir)
subprocess.run(shlex.split("sed --in-place 's:^Name=.*$:Name=%s:' startcenter.desktop > startcenter.desktop" % self.appname), cwd=self.appimagedir)
subprocess.run(shlex.split("find . -name '*startcenter.png' -path '*hicolor*48x48*' -exec cp {} . \;"), cwd=self.appimagedir)
# Find the name of the binary called in the desktop file.
binaryname = ''
with open(os.path.join(self.appimagedir, 'startcenter.desktop'), 'r') as d:
a = d.readlines()
for line in a:
if re.match(r'^Exec', line):
binaryname = line.split('=')[-1].split(' ')[0]
# Esci al primo match
#binary_exec = subprocess.run(shlex.split(r"awk 'BEGIN { FS = \"=\" } /^Exec/ { print $2; exit }' startcenter.desktop | awk '{ print $1 }'"), cwd=self.appimagedir, text=True, encoding='utf-8')
#binaryname = binary_exec.stdout.strip("\n")
bindir=os.path.join(self.appimagedir, 'usr', 'bin')
os.makedirs(bindir, exist_ok = True)
subprocess.run(shlex.split("find ../../opt -iname soffice -path '*program*' -exec ln -sf {} ./%s \;" % binaryname), cwd=bindir)
# Download AppRun from github
apprunurl = f"https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/releases/download/continuous/AppRun-{arch}"
dest = os.path.join(self.appimagedir, 'AppRun')
urllib.request.urlretrieve(apprunurl, dest)
os.chmod(dest, 0o755)
# Dealing with extra options
buildopts = []
if self.sign:
# adding zsync build if updatable
if self.updatable:
buildopts.append(f"-u 'zsync|{self.zsyncfilename[arch]}'")
buildopts_str = str.join(' ', buildopts)
# Build the number-specific build
subprocess.run(shlex.split(f"{self.appnamedir}/appimagetool {buildopts_str} -v ./{self.appname}.AppDir/"), env={ "VERSION": self.appversion })
print(f"Built AppImage version {self.appversion}")
# Cleanup phase, before new run.
for deb in glob.glob(self.appnamedir + '/*.deb'):
subprocess.run(shlex.split("find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec rm -rf {} \+"))
def checksums(self):
"""Create checksums of the built versions."""
# Skip checksum if initally the build was already found in the storage directory
if all(self.built[arch] for arch in self.arch):
for arch in self.arch:
for item in [ self.appimagefilename[arch], self.zsyncfilename[arch] ]:
# For any built arch, find out if a file exist.
def __create_checksum__(self, file):
"""Internal function to create checksum file."""
checksum = subprocess.run(shlex.split(f"md5sum {file}"), capture_output=True, text=True, encoding='utf-8')
if checksum.stdout:
with open(f"{file}.md5", 'w') as c:
def publish(self):
"""Moves built versions to definitive storage."""
if all(self.built[arch] for arch in self.arch):
# All files are already present in the full_path
# Two cases here: local and remote storage_path.
if self.remoterepo:
# Remote first.
# Build destination directory
if len(self.relative_path) > 0:
remotepath = str.join('/', self.relative_path.insert(0, self.remote_path))
remotepath = str.join('/', [ self.remote_path, '' ])
f"rsync -avz -e ssh *.AppImage* {self.remote_host}:{remotepath}"
# Local
# Forcing creation of subfolders, in case there is a new build
os.makedirs(self.full_path, exist_ok = True)
for file in glob.glob("*.AppImage*"):
subprocess.run(shlex.split(f"cp -f {file} {self.full_path}"))
2023-01-05 01:14:28 +01:00
def generalize_and_link(self, chdir = 'default'):
"""Creates the needed generalized files if needed."""
# If called with a pointed version, no generalize and link necessary.
if not self.branch_version:
# If a prerelease or a daily version, either.
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if self.query == 'daily' or self.query == 'prerelease':
2023-01-05 01:14:28 +01:00
if chdir == 'default':
chdir = self.full_path
appimagefilename = {}
zsyncfilename = {}
# Creating versions for short version and query text
versions = [ self.short_version, self.branch_version ]
for arch in Build.ARCHSTD:
# If already built, do not do anything.
if self.built[arch]:
# if the appimage for the reported arch is not found, skip to next
# arch
if not os.path.exists(self.appimagefilename[arch]):
# Doing it both for short_name and for branchname
for version in versions:
appimagefilename[arch] = self.appname + '-' + version + self.languagepart + self.helppart + f'-{arch}.AppImage'
zsyncfilename[arch] = appimagefilename[arch] + '.zsync'
# Create the symlink
print(f"Creating {appimagefilename[arch]} and checksums.")
if os.path.exists(appimagefilename[arch]):
os.symlink(self.appimagefilename[arch], appimagefilename[arch])
# Create the checksum for the AppImage
# Do not continue if no zsync file is provided.
if not self.updatable:
print(f"Creating zsync file for version {version}.")
if os.path.exists(zsyncfilename[arch]):
shutil.copyfile(self.zsyncfilename[arch], zsyncfilename[arch])
# Editing the zsyncfile
subprocess.run(shlex.split(f"sed --in-place 's/^Filename:.*$/Filename: {appimagefilename[arch]}/' {zsyncfilename[arch]}"))
def __del__(self):
# Cleaning up build directory