# Anubis Theme for Hugo [![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-green.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) [![Donate](https://img.shields.io/badge/Donate-PayPal-blue.svg)](https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/mitrichius/1) Anubis is a simple minimalist theme for [Hugo blog engine](https://gohugo.io/). ![Anubis Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitrichius/hugo-theme-anubis/master/images/screenshot.png) ## Features - Dark mode (automatic / by switcher) - Pagination - Tags/Categories support - Archive - Open Graph and Twitter Cards support - Mobile support - Google Analytics - Disqus - Utteranc.es - RSS feeds * Hiding posts from the RSS feed - Translations (en, ru, fr, pl) - Custom CSS/JS - Multilingual mode - Robots.txt - Favorite posts - Pagination on post single page - Optional "Read more" link - webmentions ## Installation You need to install an extended version of Hugo to run this theme. Inside the folder of your Hugo site run: $ git submodule add https://github.com/mitrichius/hugo-theme-anubis.git themes/anubis For more information read the official [setup guide](//gohugo.io/overview/installing/) of Hugo. ## Getting started After installing the theme successfully it requires a just a few more steps to get your site running. ### Update config file If you have toml config (which is by default), you should rename it to config.yaml or adapt this config for toml syntax. Example of config.yaml: ```yaml languageCode: "en-us" baseUrl: "" title: "Anubis" theme: "anubis" paginate: 10 disqusShortname: yourdiscussshortname googleAnalytics: UA-123-45 enableRobotsTXT: true menu: main: - identifier: archive name: Archive title: Archive url: /posts/ weight: 0 params: author: "John Doe" email: mail@example.org # used for microformats avatar: "/images/me.png" # used for microformats description: "" images: - images/og-featured.png # relative path to "static" directory customCSS: - css/my.css # relative path to "assets" directory (don't use main.css filename) customJS: - js/main.js # relative path to "assets" directory dateFormat: "2006-01-02" paginationSinglePost: true style: light-without-switcher readMore: false # utteranc.es support utterancesRepo: "" # mandatory utterancesTheme: "" # optional utterancesIssue: "" # optional utterancesLabel: "" # optional webmentions: url: https://yourdomain.com/webemntions/receive login: hugo-theme-anubis pingback: true markup: goldmark: renderer: unsafe: true # enable raw HTML in Markdown ``` ### Check your site In order to see your site in action, run Hugo's built-in local server. `$ hugo server` Now enter [`localhost:1313`](http://localhost:1313/) in the address bar of your browser. ## Feature Settings ### Dark Mode Customize via `style` param in `params` section of config. Options: - `light-without-switcher` - light theme, without switcher, JS-free (by default) - `dark-without-switcher` - dark theme, without switcher, JS-free - `auto-without-switcher` - theme based on user system settings, without switcher, JS-free - `light` - light theme by default, can be switched by user to dark theme and back. Theme settings are saved for user - `dark` - dark theme by default, can be switched by user to light theme and back. Theme settings are saved for user - `auto` - theme based on user system settings by default, can be switched by user to dark/light theme. Theme settings are saved for user ### Google Analytics Only works for production environment. You either build your site with variable like `HUGO_ENV=production hugo --minify` or just put `env: production` to `params` section of config. ### Multilingual mode Check config/example usage in [exampleSiteMultilingual](https://github.com/Mitrichius/hugo-theme-anubis/tree/master/exampleSiteMultilingual) directory and documentation on [Hugo site](https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/). ### Robots.txt Based on environment. For production — allow all, for other — disallow all. ### Favorite posts To mark posts as favorite just add `favorite: true` in post's front matter. It adds a "★" icon nearby post's title. ### Hiding posts from RSS To hide a post from the RSS feed, just add `disable_feed: true` to its front matter. ### Pagination on post single page Enabled by `paginationSinglePost` param in `params` section of config. ### Webmentions To provide webmention support you can **either** specify your webmention.io username with `login: webmentionusername` **or** specify a link to your custom webmention endpoint with `url: https://yourdomain.com/webemntions/receive`. If you use webmention.io you can also enable pingback with `pingback: true` ## Contributing If you find a bug or have an idea for a feature, feel free to write an [issue](https://github.com/mitrichius/hugo-theme-anubis/issues) or make a PR. ## TODO See [issues](https://github.com/mitrichius/hugo-theme-anubis/issues). ## License MIT © Dmitry Kolosov 2020