<div id="graphcomment"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> /* - - - CONFIGURATION VARIABLES - - - */ var __semio__params = { graphcommentId: "{{ .Site.Params.graphcommentId }}", // obviously you need to create your own ID on graphcomment.com behaviour: { // HIGHLY RECOMMENDED // uid: "...", // uniq identifer for the comments thread on your page (ex: your page id) }, // configure your variables here } /* - - - DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE - - - */ function __semio__onload() { __semio__gc_graphlogin(__semio__params) } (function() { var gc = document.createElement('script'); gc.type = 'text/javascript'; gc.async = true; gc.onload = __semio__onload; gc.defer = true; gc.src = 'https://integration.graphcomment.com/gc_graphlogin.js?' + Date.now(); (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(gc); })(); </script>