{{ define "main" }} {{/* {{ if .Menus }} {{ end }} */}}

{{ trim .Title " " | markdownify }}

{{ partial "post-language-switcher.html" . }}
{{ partial "post-info.html" . }}
{{ partial "toc.html" .}}
{{ .Content }}
{{ $readNextPosts := 3}} {{ if site.Params.readNextPosts }} {{ $readNextPosts = site.Params.readNextPosts }} {{ end }} {{ if gt $readNextPosts 0 }} {{ $related := .Site.RegularPages.Related . | first $readNextPosts }} {{ with $related }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ if and (.Site.Params.paginationSinglePost) (ne .Type "page") }} {{ partial "post-pagination.html" . }} {{ end }} {{ if not .Params.disableComments }} {{ partial "comments.html" . }} {{ end }} {{/* When you use ```mermaid``, render-codeblock-mermaid.html is called and `.Store.Set "hasMermaid"` is executed. `.Store.Get "hasMermaid"` will return true and mermaid.js will be loaded. */}} {{ if .Store.Get "hasMermaid" }} {{ partial "mermaid_support.html" . }} {{ end }} {{ if .Params.math }} {{ partial "mathjax_support.html" . }} {{ end }} {{ end }}