# vim:sts=2:sw=2:ft=zsh # Base directories for dotfiles. export DOTFILES=${HOME}/.dotfiles # Autocompletions export FPATH=${HOME}/.zsh/functions:${DOTFILES}/zsh/functions:${FPATH} # Base autoloading autoload -Uz compaudit compinit compinit # zsh packages from system source ${DOTFILES}/zsh/distro.base.zsh # Plugins for plugin in `find $DOTFILES/zsh/plugins -iname \*.plugin.zsh -print`; do if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then if [ "$(basename ${plugin})" != 'fzf.plugin.zsh' ]; then source $plugin fi else source $plugin fi done for plugin in `find $DOTFILES/zsh/plugins -iname \*.plugin.zsh -print`; do if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then if [ "$(basename ${plugin})" != 'fzf.plugin.zsh' ]; then source $plugin fi else source $plugin fi done # Antigen configuration # the main pluing should have been sourced in the previous loop. antigen bundle command-not-found antigen bundle common-aliases antigen bundle copyfile antigen bundle fd antigen bundle fzf antigen bundle git antigen bundle pip antigen bundle python antigen bundle rsync antigen bundle sudo antigen bundle systemadmin antigen bundle systemd antigen bundle z antigen bundle sunlei/zsh-ssh antigen apply # EDITOR export EDITOR="/usr/bin/vim" export ZSH_TMUX_CONFIG=${HOME}/.config/tmux/tmux.conf # FZF default options [ -x `which fzf 2>/dev/null` ] && export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--multi --no-mouse --ansi --color=dark" # Loading additional aliases for file in `find $DOTFILES/zsh/aliases -iname \*.aliases.zsh -print`; do source $file done if [[ -d $HOME/.zsh/conf.d ]]; then for file in $HOME/.zsh/conf.d/*.zsh; do source $file done fi