Commit Graph

139 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
c3212f42dc Cambio programma per defezione Fabio.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 8s
2024-05-04 09:34:48 +02:00
a4483ea9a6 Sistemati orari programma.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 10s
2024-05-04 09:22:29 +02:00
7f4f524d6c Sistemazione titolo talk di Dario Presutti.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 11s
2024-04-30 18:40:25 +02:00
df3e6e26a8 Ancora qualche correzione ai titoli dei talk.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 9s
2024-04-29 14:59:06 +02:00
48989fd151 Microscopico fix.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 8s
2024-04-29 14:38:18 +02:00
6fc389f0d5 Corretto nome della persona che gestirà il laboratorio Writer/impress.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 10s
2024-04-29 14:36:00 +02:00
Emiliano Vavassori
3be27af976 Aggiornato programma, corretta immagine LUG Chiaravalle.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 11s
2024-04-26 18:55:47 +02:00
7673e822f8 Alcuni piccoli aggiustamenti in attesa di ulteriori feedback.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 9s
2024-04-06 20:32:26 +02:00
60123af9e3 Aggiornamento 2 del programma provvisorio.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 10s
2024-04-06 16:41:18 +02:00
a3c080f00d Inserite indicazioni stradali per SS76 Fossato di Vico-Falconara.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 10s
2024-04-05 00:43:01 +02:00
5ea729359e Rimossa attribuzione a Tommy.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 8s
2024-04-05 00:33:58 +02:00
2c61f5c7e3 Aggiunta prima bozza programma provvisorio. Corretto il centramento della pagina.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 11s
2024-04-05 00:26:13 +02:00
99576fa128 Aggiunta LUG Chiaravalle anche in pagina 2024.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 8s
2024-03-14 22:50:01 +01:00
6b30f28653 Aggiunto LUG Chiaravalle a partners.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 11s
2024-03-14 22:46:25 +01:00
f1b1d39fa9 Rimosso colophon in favore di Licenza.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 9s
2024-03-14 01:01:56 +01:00
6aecd1c50b Aggiustamenti a licenze, partners, social.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 12s
2024-03-14 00:59:16 +01:00
43a9ee194b Aggiustata la pagina generica dei partners e della licenza.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 11s
2024-03-14 00:01:51 +01:00
19e52600d2 Armonizzata pagina, aggiunti hyperlink agli aeroporti.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 10s
2024-03-13 23:43:08 +01:00
09e1c644aa Aggiunto patrocinio Comune Monte San Vito.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 10s
2024-03-13 23:19:52 +01:00
c61e573da0 Qualche ritocco estetico alla pagina principale.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 9s
2024-03-13 23:11:37 +01:00
f3b50a8b7a Impostata evidenza per pagina attiva. Incluso contenuti per come raggiungere la conference.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 13s
2024-03-13 23:03:07 +01:00
c8077c1a92 Cambiata denominazione Centro Carlo Urbani.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 10s
2024-03-07 00:25:10 +01:00
0e37c3d107 Sistemato indirizzo e impaginazione dopo foto.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 10s
2024-03-06 23:58:19 +01:00
cbe04986e5 Correzione orario; inserita immagine della venue.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 9s
2024-03-06 23:40:12 +01:00
5a73840374 Aggiunta pagina di registrazione.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 14s
2024-03-06 22:57:37 +01:00
e46cf8ec5e Spiegati passaggi build.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 8s
2024-03-02 22:38:44 +01:00
75fadb7c3f Rimozione pipeline non necessaria.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 8s
2024-03-02 22:25:09 +01:00
5963ca2fc5 Test nuovo deploy.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 9s
2024-03-02 22:22:13 +01:00
042ee6a1e4 Corretto workflow per build e deploy.
All checks were successful
build and deploy / build+deploy (push) Successful in 48s
2024-03-02 22:09:49 +01:00
8c2e1de334 Cambio workflow con container abilitati.
Some checks failed
build and deploy / build (push) Failing after 13s
build and deploy / deploy (push) Failing after 30s
2024-03-02 22:00:32 +01:00
958e2d14cd Push della base.
Some checks failed
show settings / show_settings (push) Failing after 13s
2024-03-02 18:45:46 +01:00
01d7c160ed Sistemati workflow?
Some checks failed
build and deploy / build (push) Failing after 3s
build and deploy / Deploy (push) Failing after 10s
show settings / show_settings (push) Failing after 4s
2024-03-02 18:41:05 +01:00
8a68fb931e Cambiato runner, cambiata logica.
Some checks failed
Build and Deploy / Build (push) Failing after 4s
Build and Deploy / Deploy (push) Failing after 8s
2024-03-02 18:17:58 +01:00
8b0491ed57 Ancora cambi sulla machinery.
Some checks failed
Build and Deploy / Build (push) Failing after 9s
Build and Deploy / Deploy (push) Failing after 2s
2024-03-02 17:45:24 +01:00
1ed241c0c9 Bypassati problemi di shell.
Some checks failed
Build and Deploy / Build (push) Failing after 8s
Build and Deploy / Deploy (push) Failing after 2s
2024-03-02 17:34:52 +01:00
6e136e925a Sistemata action di build e deploy - forse.
Some checks failed
Build and Deploy / Build (push) Failing after 1s
Build and Deploy / Deploy (push) Failing after 2s
2024-03-02 17:33:10 +01:00
bf2137ae7b Fix warning su assenza alt in immagine.
Some checks failed
Build and Deploy / Build (push) Failing after 2s
Build and Deploy / Deploy (push) Failing after 5s
2024-03-02 17:30:11 +01:00
350ce7f4e2 Piccolo fix a README. 2024-03-02 02:01:38 +01:00
309cc10b6e Aggiunta site packages a istruzioni build.ù 2024-03-02 01:56:57 +01:00
c06e5a3663 Rimosso pipeline drone. 2024-03-02 01:49:08 +01:00
ce72b46259 Pulito readme. 2024-03-02 01:36:11 +01:00
66d3307980 Test deploying actions. 2024-03-02 01:26:27 +01:00
b14c0cf1b1 Cambio immagine build, tornata alpine. 2024-03-02 00:53:20 +01:00
f9b84b8739 Correzione percorso sorgente. 2024-03-02 00:48:44 +01:00
be70d7fe5e Pulizia cartelle. 2024-03-02 00:47:33 +01:00
321c764b5c Controllo index. 2024-03-02 00:44:32 +01:00
b96934376a Cambiata ancora machinery. 2024-03-02 00:36:41 +01:00
3210993c9c Aggiunta creazione cartella. 2024-03-02 00:27:01 +01:00
2920e0a2bc Changed source with . 2024-03-02 00:26:06 +01:00
8276d3871a Ancora cambio immagine. 2024-03-02 00:24:18 +01:00